Q: Does Wii connectivity with Pokemon work now?Ī: Nope, not yet.When that happens, just restart the game, as the data has already been saved. Crash will freeze after fighting the new approaching challenger. Not an nds-bootstrap issue, but Super Smash Bros.Loaders such as DSi4DS do not work properly with RAM disks.Crash does not play while running via DSiWarehax. While this should fix connection interruptions, it may not fix some of them.Card read DMA is now automatically turned off when wireless/WiFi operations are occurring.The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords: Anniversary Edition and Phantasy Star 0 Mini now boot with Memory Pit!.This makes homebrew boot faster after the first boot, though it may depend on the homebrew.

Brightness and volume adjust options have been added to the in-game menu!.Additionally (again), when connecting using HGSS, a red screen crash will occur (apparently due to attempting to read non-existing Diamond/Pearl/Platinum ROM data).Additionally, when connecting using Platinum, the save data cannot be read.The received SRL file from a Pokemon Wii title cannot connect to the Wii after being booted.Fixed battery level showing as blank when first opening in-game menu.
DSi SD DLDI driver has been moved to the HB bootloader to cut down the HB build filesize.Soft-resetting in B4DS mode no longer turns off or reboots the console.VRAM_BOOST can now be changed for when running NTR games in DSi mode.ARM9i and ARM7i binaries of homebrew are now loaded when booting in DSi mode.nds/.srl files launched from within one to have it's own patch offset cache file. Patch offset cache files have been renamed from romname.bin to TID & CRC (ex.You can now exit directly to TWLMenu++ without rebooting, when running a DSi-Enhanced/Exclusive title in DSi mode!.Homebrew bootloader has moved to NitroFS in order for loaders such as TWLMenu++ to load it directly.When connecting to Wii using a Pokemon Gen 4 title, the received SRL file is now booted, and no longer crashes on white screens!.